Field Day 2022


I really had forgotten that it was Field Day weekend when I went out on Sunday morning to play with the new X6100.     Imagine my surprise when the first thing I heard was the words "CQ Field Day" !

The antenna is just two pieces of 26 gauge silicone-covered wire on a BNC / binding post adapter, which is within the 2:1 SWR range over the whole 20 meter band without using the internal ATU.

I was able to get only 3 QSO's in the log before the internal battery gave out, so I am fairly sure that when the results come out I will be the lowest score in the WI section; still it was my first FD in several years and I am very glad to have gotten on the air for it !      I am also glad that I had plenty of coffee !

The site is the overlook on top of Mill Bluff in Mill Bluff State Park , POTA # K-1463    

UPDATE! - January 6th, 2023:   in category 1B - Battery, my 3 QSOs earned 265 points; whether that really was the lowest score in WI Section is still an open question pending further analysis of the results.  

UPDATE! - January 19th, 2023:   the WI Section Manager, Jason Spetz, KC9FXE kindly provided the raw .csv file of the Field Day results, and with some sorting of the vast spreadsheet I found that there were 27 stations in the section with lower scores than mine.   Thanks, Jason!


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